Staff Access

Services for Specific Populations
Elder Resources
Information and Referral
For Massachusetts senior services see:
Also see our Information and Referral page.
Decision Making/SNF Diversion
Elder Home Care
Patient Handouts from the CRC
- Understand Elder Services (state funded)
- Find Elder Services (state funded) - called Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs) in MA
- Also see:
- Home Care Covered by Insurance and Other Sources
- MassHealth Community Benefit Programs - Patricia C. D’Agostino, Esq., Margolis & Bloom, LLP, 2010
- Elder Service Plans/Program of All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (ESP/PACE) - All-Inclusive care program for those 55 and older who are "nursing home eligible" and have (or are eligible for) MassHealth.
- MGH Community News, September 2011
- Senior Care Options
- for dual eligible (Medicare and MassHealth) elders, offers medical care and non-medical home care offered through the local ASAP.
- Money Follows the Person- (Link to state website) Helping those in long-term care facilities to move to the community.
- Volunteer Help at Home
- Neighbor Brigade - MGH Community News, July/Aug 2011
- Serves those with a "temporary crisis" (such as due to a health concern, accident, high-risk pregnancy or birth, injury or death in the family). See website for list of served communities.
- Lotsa Helping Hands - create a care community of friends, family and neighborhood volunteers.
- "Lifeline" & Other Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)
- Personal Emergency Response Systems - from the Federal Trade Commission website
- How to choose a Personal Emergency Response Systems -MGH PCOI patient handout.
- Find It: Select Patient Education > Senior Health > Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) (Free registration required.)
- Paying for Personal Emergency Response Systems - MGH Patient Handout (rev July 2023 )
- MassHealth requires prior approval for PERS. Providers are encouraged to submit via the MassHealth Provider Online Service Center (POSC). Providers should be familiar, but here are POSC FAQs and POSC "Job Aids" - scroll down to Prior Authorization. PERS companies may also be a source of assistance to providers to ensure proper billing.
- As of July 1, 2024 MassHealth covers PERS either through a landline or a cellular network. Members are not required to obtain an individual cellular plan when using a cellular PERS. See DME Equipment Bulletin 37
- Prior to this change, MassHealth regulations required that the patient have a landline to qualify for MassHealth PERS coverage; the only way around this was via a waiver requested by the patient's local Aging Services Access Point/Elder Service agency. We'd been advised that this was often a lengthy process.
- MassHealth Hospice members- PERS providers who provide lifeline devices to MassHealth members who are in the MassHealth Hospice Benefit must coordinate with the hospice to determine if the device is related to the palliation and management of the member’s terminal illness.
- If the device is not related to the palliation and management of the member’s terminal illness the PERS provider is able to directly bill MassHealth. The PERS provider does not need a letter from the hospice indicating the PERS device is not related to the palliation and management of the member’s terminal illness.
- If a hospice provider determines that the lifeline is related to the member’s terminal illness the hospice provider should document this in the member’s plan of care and the hospice provider is responsible for payment to the PERS provider.
- At no time should the MassHealth hospice benefit member be billed for the lifeline per 130 CMR 450.403(A) and 130 CMR 450.403(B).
- If you or your agency has questions regarding this communication, please contact the LTSS Service Center at (844) 368-5184 or support@masshealthltss.com.
- New Related Technology
- Medication reminder technology
Adult Day Care
- Descriptions/Definitions:
- Adult Day Care (also called Social Day Care)— Community-based program for elders and those living with disabilities that typically includes an individualized plan of care, group exercise, adult education classes and recreation, nutritious meals, and social work services. These programs make respite for caregivers possible and provide support groups for participants and caregivers.
- Note: most Adult Day Health Care programs also offer Adult Day Care services.
- Services are typically private pay
- Adult Day Health Care— Community-based program similar to Adult Day Care but for those who need a higher level of care. Services provided include physical, occupational and speech therapies; nursing supervision; monitoring of vital signs, blood glucose, blood pressure, and medications; assistance with bathroom visits; dietary counseling and supervision; and psychological counseling. Services are supervised by trained geriatric specialists.
- MassHealth Coverage.
- ADH is covered by MassHealth Standard and MassHealth CommonHealth with prior authorization (PA)
- ADH Prior Approval (PA) process- for an initial approval, the ADH provider initiates the process by sending referral paperwork (form completed by an ADH RN, and the Adult Day Health Primary Care Provider Order Form) to the member's local Aging Service Access Point (ASAP). The ASAP will complete an assessment within five days. Within 48 hours of completeing the assessment the ASAP will issue a MassHealth Payment of Adult Day Health Services eligiblity form to the member and the ADH provider that indicates the member's clinical eligibility for MassHealth ADH coverage. Adapted from, and for more information see MassHealth Adult Day Health Bulletin 35, April 2023.
- Find local programs at www.MassOptions.org (MA) or MA 2-1-1 (2-1-1 in other states)
- Mass RMV Your Health and Driving Safely- brochure. MA is a "self-reporting state"; brochure aims to help drivers identify some medical conditions that can lead to impaired driving. Also lists Driving Evaluation Programs and Mature Driver Training Programs.
- Concerned about a driver? See resources on the RMV page:
- Additional resources on RMV page at the above links- see right-side navigation.
- There is no legal requirement in Massachusetts for a physician or other interested party to report a possible unfit driver to the Registry of Motor Vehicles; however, if an interested party chooses to report such a driver to the Registry, then the Registry will act on the information provided.
- Provider reporting (and NOT reporting) protections: health care providers and police officers are protected from lawsuits when filing a report about a suspected impaired driver. The law also protects them for not filing: “A health care provider or law enforcement officer who does not report shall be immune from civil liability that might otherwise result from not making the report.” -Adapted in part from Safe Driving Law article.
- Request for a Medical Evaluation- When there is a concern about a person's functional ability to operate a motor vehicle safely then it may be reported to the RMV. A valid report from anyone other than Law Enforcement or a licensed physician will trigger the need for a medical evaluation from a physician within 30 days.
- Driver Evaluation and Training programs
- Self-Assessment and Having "The Talk" for Families
- Staff Training - discussing surrendering driving privileges: Driving Transitions with Older Adults- Online Course - MGH Community News, October 2009
- Safe Driving Law- penalties for texting while driving, creates new criminal offense "Negligent Operation & Injury from Mobile Phone Use', additional limits for Junior Operators. Other provisions include drivers 75 and older must renew in person, and indemnification for medical personnel who report "operators believed not to be physically or mentally capable of safely operating due to cognitive or functional impairment".
- Renewing your license- You can renew your license up to 2 years after expiration. If your license has been expired more than 2 years, you will be required to take the learner's permit exam and road test.
See also:
Fall Prevention
Other Elder Issues
Program Highlights
Alternative Care Models
Financial Assist
See also:
Social Services
- 800ageinfo.com - State-wide information and referral from Exec. Office of Elder Affairs
- MGH Connect to Wellness - partnership between MGH and Boston Senior Home Care that offers on-site health and social services to residents living in three apartment buildings surrounding the hospital campus – Beacon House, Blackstone Apartments, and Amy Lowell Apartments - MGH Community News, May 2019
- BenefitsCheckUp- personalized resource eligibility review for elders. - MGH Community News, February 2012
- Paine Social Service Helps Cambridge Elders
- MGH Community News, July 2001
News Stories
Housing Crisis Has MA Seniors in a Squeeze - MGH Community News, March 2019
Alzheimer's Patients Wait for a Bus to Nowhere- MGH Community News, July 2008
Aging Groups Respond to IOM Report - MGH Community News, July 2008
Call Girls Are Among the Amenities at Danish Nursing Home - MGH Community News, June 2008
Wii Finds Home in Retirement Communities, Medical Centers - MGH Community News, June 2008
State Pilots Subsidy for Home Care of Elders, Disabled - MGH Community News, November 2006
Equal Choice Promises Care at Home - MGH Community News, July/August 2006
Elder Services Eligibility Explained - Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs) - MGH Community News, September 1998
Related Pages
Housing - for Long Term Care & Housing With Services (SNF, Assisted Living, etc.)
Home Care- Private Pay
House Cleaning
Medical Escorts
Getting to MGH
Home Modifications
Information and Referral
Forms & Policies/Elder Abuse
Caregivers (also for those receiving care from loved ones)
Consumer Protection (Including Fraud/Scams)
Legal- Elderly
Financial Assistance/Other
Geriatric Care Managers